
星期六, 11月 01, 2014

Do you hear the people sing 試譯

對於《Do you hear the people sing》大家最熟悉的當然是港版《問誰未發聲》,不過我想如果把原文翻譯成文言文會怎樣﹖所以嘗試一下﹕

汝可聽見,黎民歌聲﹖  Do you hear the people sing?
彼正高唱,怒漢之歌﹖  Singing the song of angry men?
歌頌斯民,       It is the music of a people
不再為奴﹗       Who will not be slaves again!
汝之心跳,       When the beating of your heart
和我鼓鳴。       Echoes the beating of the drums
明日將至,       There is a life about to start
得獲新生﹗       When tomorrow comes.

汝可答應,投我義師﹖  Will you join in our crusade?
剛強堅毅,並肩而戰。  Who will be strong and stand with me?
攀登街壘,遙望遠方。  Beyond the barricade
彼之世界,汝所渴求﹖  Is there a world you long to see?
既然如此,加入戰團。  Then join in the fight
爭汝權利,爭汝自由﹗  That will give you the right to be free!

問汝可會,盡汝全力﹖  Will you give all you can give
舉我義旗,進擊敵陣﹖  So that our banner may advance
各安天命,或存或歿。  Some will fall and some will live
問汝可會,舉事爭機﹖  Will you stand up and take your chance?
烈士熱血,       The blood of the martyrs
將澆我土﹗       Will water the meadows of France!

汝可聽見,黎民歌聲﹖  Do you hear the people sing
彼正迷途,夜谷徘徊。  Lost in the valley of the night?
歌頌斯民,       It is the music of a people
攀向光明。       Who are climbing to the light
斯土斯民,雖逢不幸。  For the wretched of the earth
心中之火,永不曾熄。  There is a flame that never dies.
黑夜終去,       Even the darkest night will end
旭日將昇﹗       And the sun will rise

吾等終將,死而復生。  We will live again in freedom
上主園內,得享自由。  In the garden of the Lord
舞動鋤犁,       We will walk behind the plough-share
盡釋干戈。       We will put away the sword
枷鎖將破,       The chain will be broken
盡享收穫。       And all men will have their reward.

汝可答應,投我義師﹖  Will you join in our crusade?
剛強堅毅,並肩而戰。  Who will be strong and stand with me?
攀登街壘,或望某處。  Somewhere beyond the barricade
彼之世界,汝所渴求﹖  Is there a world you long to see?
汝可聽見,       Do you hear the people sing?
遠方鼓鳴﹖       Say, do you hear the distant drums?
明日將至,       It is the future that they bring
未來可期﹗       When tomorrow comes!

4 則留言:

chestnutgirl 說...


方潤 說...



chestnutgirl 說...


方潤 說...

妳以為啦,讀cert ed果陣tutor改我篇論文搖到頭都甩咁滯……
